Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A Candidate We Can All Embrace

Has this election season got you down?  Do you feel like the candidates just do not understand you?  Are you just tired of all the special interests?

Well, here is a candidate that is devoid of the "-isms".  (In fact, she wouldn't know an "-ism" if you dropped it in front of her.)  Click on her campaign video to learn where she stands...or sits and lays down.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Up and down...


As I mentioned on the "About" page, this blog will just be a free-form, content-neutral brain share.  Often times, I will share some pithy truths that have I crafted through life experience.  One example of what I'm talking about is (I didn't make this one up), "You are unique.  Just like everyone else."

What is on my mind today is that old aphorism, "What comes up, must come down."  Or is that a maxim?

Anyway, here is what comes up...

And here is what comes down...